Touring New Cities SafelyTouring New Cities Safely

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Touring New Cities Safely

When was the last time you traveled to a foreign place? About a year ago, I started thinking about different ways to enjoy new cities without the fear of being attacked or robbed, so I began focusing more and more on learning what I needed to before I headed out. It was really interesting to see how much of a difference it made to do a little reading before I boarded a plane, and I have to be honest, some travel tips have saved me more than once. I wanted to make an easy-to-read website about touring new cities safely, so I made this blog.


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4 Absolutely Free Things To Make Your Romantic Getaway The Best Yet

Your life is busy, your days are stressed, and you have a significant other with whom you'd like to feel closer. Studies show that vacations are a great idea for couples, both long and short term (even in the bedroom!). So how do you get the most out of your vacation, and make it a retreat that is meaningful for you and your sweetheart? Here are some ways that don't require the extra money spent:

Disconnect to Reconnect

Sure, you want to post a few pics to Instagram, but how long are you spending framing that perfect shot? Instead of spending time with your phone in your hand, try to limit yourself to a handful of photos a day. If you have to, leave your phone in your room, so the temptation is not beside you, but your partner will be. 

Think that you don't actually use your smartphone much? Research shows you probably use it much more than you think. So, put down the phone, put your eyes on your beloved, and breathe in the moment; don't worry, Facebook will still be there when you get home. 

Don't Overschedule

Deciding on activities can be overwhelming, you may have saved for months for the opportunity to go snorkeling, take surf lessons, and go hiking, but vacation burnout is a thing. Talk with your travel partner and decide on what is most important, and shoot for 1-2 activities a day, with down time in between. 

Cherish the Simple Things

Your time spent on vacation doesn't have to include every activity under the sun, nor should it. Simple experiences, like a quiet breakfast, a walk together, or a drink under the stars can be special and meaningful. Make time for simple things, and you'll be thankful to bring home memories and appreciation for one another. 

Make Downtime Count

The plane ride may not be the highlight of your trip, but think about it: how often are you required to do absolutely nothing? Whether you are on a cramped seat in coach, or a private charter flight, this time is a perfect chance to connect with your significant other. If it's been a long time since you were away from the drudgery of everyday life, so try talking about things that aren't included in your day to day reality: favorite books or movies, dreams for retirement, or even your hopes for this vacation.