Touring New Cities SafelyTouring New Cities Safely

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Touring New Cities Safely

When was the last time you traveled to a foreign place? About a year ago, I started thinking about different ways to enjoy new cities without the fear of being attacked or robbed, so I began focusing more and more on learning what I needed to before I headed out. It was really interesting to see how much of a difference it made to do a little reading before I boarded a plane, and I have to be honest, some travel tips have saved me more than once. I wanted to make an easy-to-read website about touring new cities safely, so I made this blog.


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How To Take An Elderly Group To Florida To Check Out Retirement Condos

So, you have a large group of senior citizens who would love to ride down to Florida and check out retirement condos? Sounds like fun, except when you are trying to figure out how to get there, where to stay, and how to get everyone around. Here are some helpful tips to make this journey fun and educational for all.

Hire Charter Buses

If you have enough people interested in this venture, you can hire a charter bus. A charter bus can hold all of your expected passengers and take everyone to Florida. Better still, once you reach Florida, the charter bus continues to work for your group by taking everyone from retirement community to retirement community. The bus even stays put until your group has finished a tour of the properties and one or two available condo units. When the whole trip is complete, the charter buses can bring everyone back home again.

Book a Block of Hotel Rooms in Advance

You can book a block of hotel rooms in advance, or book some home rentals. Either way, you can book lodging through apps on your smartphone these days, and have confirmations via email within minutes. Just make sure you get a head count and lodging preferences from everyone who plans to go on this trip. Booking any lodging last minute would complicate where the bus has to go to pick people up and drop people off. 

Additionally, try to keep most of your group together in one lodging place. This eliminates the need to make several stops at different hotels/motels. It also eliminates any concerns of losing people or forgetting to pick them up.

Set up an Intinerary by Booking the Retirement Condo and Community Tours Ahead of Time

Your chartered bus driver can do a better job of getting around if you already know exactly where your group of seniors citizens are going and on what days. If you can, book the retirement condo and community tours for specific times and days well ahead of time. That way, you can develop an itinerary that not only the bus driver can use, but your group can also view. Members of the group can use this itinerary to decide to either decline a tour or ride along. If you are going to take any side tours or partake of some touristy things, check with the charter bus driver first to make sure these little side trips are included in the price of the driving.